Whistle and fish: with Lake Kivu fishermen in Rwanda

In the shimmering Lake Kivu in western Rwanda, amidst cracked wooden boats, fishermen whistle while they work. They are known as the "whistling fishermen" and their tradition of singing and whistling to a rhythmic beat synchronized with their rowing movements has been passed down for thousands of years. With the strength of their mountainous arms, they plunge their wooden paddles into the water, splashing them upwards.
In the shimmering Lake Kivu in western Rwanda, amidst cracked wooden boats, fishermen whistle while they work. They are known as the "whistling fishermen" and their tradition of singing and whistling to a rhythmic beat synchronized with their rowing movements has been passed down for thousands of years. With the strength of their mountainous arms, they plunge their wooden paddles into the water, splashing them upwards.

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